Thursday, August 30, 2018

Handle GDs With Ease Using This Technique

Group discussion or GDs are a major cause of anxiety and worry for most candidates and it makes everything seem to be dependant on luck or  chance. Worries such as -I wonder which topic I will get? Will it be easy or difficult? What if something comes which I have not prepared on? Who else will be in the group discussion? Worrying about these will lead to failure even before the GD.
So how can you keep yourself in control of the situation?

The secret is this- We will do anything to get out of pain or avoid a painful situation than try to get some  possible reward. In a GD the reward of possible getting the admission is not a strong enough benefit to push you to perform. Avoiding pain will be a better motivator. Here is how to use this principle:

 The important thing in any GD is to open your mouth and speak! In any GD of say 20 mins,ideally you should speak and interact at least for a minimum of three times.Here is technique to ensure you speak. Get a close friend who cares about your success and offer Rs 1000(or an amount that will be hard for you (create pain) to give) if you do not speak for a minimum of 3 times. This will create a drive to speak and you will find yourself overcoming the initial fear and self consciousness. After a few such experiences you will become habituated to speaking out and will no longer need this negative motivator. But this works ....try it out and see for yourself!!

3 Tips To Ace Any Interview

Getting admission in a good college is not about marks alone. It is about demonstrating your talents and your skills effectively.  As a part of that interviews have become an important hurdle to cross for any aspiring student. But what is the secret that gets you through interview?
 Here are 3 important tips to help you ace any interview:

1. Put yourself in the interviewer's shoes- Instead of focusing on what you have to say or not say, it is best to start from the interviewer's perspective. What kind of student are they looking for? What priorities do they have to identify good candidates? Unless you understand this you will not be able to give the answers appropriately nor would you be able to focus on the major priorities for the institution.

2.Do not focus on the outcome- Like any performance you have to be in the moment to give the right answers and think spontaneously. If your focus is too much on the outcome your performance will be hampered as the uncertainty of the situation will lead to unnecessary tension and nervousness.

3.Don't be desperate- Remind yourself that if not this then something better will turn up.There is no need to be desperate as you are here to identify if the initutio is suitable for you as well.Too much pressure from family and peers as well as thinking that this is the only option will make it seem to be a do or die situation which is in most cases will create a repulsion to the interviewer who sense taht. Be calm ,relaxed and collected with the clear knowing that tere are many opportunities for you to choose from .

There tips are crucial to shape your attitude and develop confidence.Try thee tips and if they work for you share them with others as well.

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